Friday, May 15, 2009

National Journal on Conservative Reaction
To NRSC's Crist Endorsement

Ian Faerstein of National Journal's Blogometer reports:
Conservative bloggers are furious that NRSC chair John Cornyn endorsed FL Gov. Charlie Crist in his GOP Senate primary race against ex-state House Speaker Marco Rubio. John Hawkins is calling on Cornyn to resign as NRSC chair, while Erick Erickson has launched a Facebook group for conservatives who refuse to donate money to the NRSC during the 2010 election cycle. Erickson's co-blogger Dan McLaughlin complains: "John Cornyn has proven that he has learned absolutely nothing from the fiasco of 2006, when the GOP lost close Senate races elsewhere after pouring millions into a primary race to prop up [ex-RI Sen.] Lincoln Chafee." It appears that the Crist-Rubio Senate primary is shaping up to be a battle royale between grassroots conservatives and GOP party officials. Meanwhile, the Club for Growth responded to Crist's announcement by criticizing his support of Pres. Obama's stimulus package, but will the Club go so far as to endorse Rubio? . . .

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