Friday, October 30, 2009

GOP dumping Scozzafava?

Well, it seems that they are still endorsing her, but, the money they were sending her? No mas! And other former supporters are bailing on her.

Dede Scozzafava is now losing her supporters to Doug Hoffman.

Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) is switching his support in the New York special election from the GOP nominee to Conservative Party candidate Hoffman.

A spokesperson said Issa is overnighting Hoffman a $5,000 check from Issa’s political action committee.

Issa previously told The Hill that he supported Scozzafava, though he never gave her money. Now that she doesn’t appear to have a chance at winning, he is backing Hoffman.

Now, I would love to see the GOP leadeship switch too. Some folks fear this might hurt the GOP because it could encourage other third party candidates. A move that could, according to the pessimistic sorts anyway, cost the GOP in other races. Again, we, as a party, need to support the MOST conservative candidate if they can win. We ought to be reaching out to those candidates, and bringing them INTO the party if we can.

Conservatism is, after all, much about optimism. So, let’s be optimists. Supporting RINOs, and telling ourselves that we must sacrifice our principles to win is the path of pessimism, and of defeat. Optimism will leads us to support those candidates who DO share our principles, and that path, my friends, leads to victory!

Cross-posted at The DaleyGator

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